Jeff the killerball

one day jeff the killer wanted to play killerball, but he didn't know how to play it. he thought he was supposed to use a ball with a knife in it, so he invited laughing jack, BEN, smiledog and slenderman, and then the game started

the rules

Jeff: okay, killerball is when you put a knife in a ball and throw it at someone else, and then you're supposed to run away and not get hit. everywhere except for the head and you're KO'd! 
Jeff felt a ball hit his face. jack had thrown it at him, and then he suddenly died!

tha game begins!!!!11111one

when Jeff woke up he felt very small. he then relised he was the ball. BEN picked him up and threw him on smiledoge, and jeff got very scared. Jeff was jeff the killerball. Slenderman picked up Jeff and threw him at Jack, but jack dodged and jeff got knocked into a wall. 
Jeff: ow! watch my beautiful face! 
Slender: sorry
Smiledoge: wow 
BEN: oh glob no 
Jeff: what
smiledoge: very jeff *bites jeff in the hair and runs away with him*
Jeff never came back home that day, he was busy taking a shower at BEN's because his shower was broken